FREE plan available!
30 days FREE trial for paid plans!
Cancel, downgrade or upgrade at any time!
Small | Pro | Business | Ultimate | |
Max number of websites per user account | 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 |
Max daily visitors allowed per site within the plan | 500 | 1500 | 3000 | Unlimited |
Detailed history (keywords, browsers etc) is stored for (days) | 7 | 14 | 21 | 30 |
Daily totals of visitors are stored for (days) | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
What is the difference between plans is simple words?
Plans differ by the number of websites you can add within your user account. Free plan allows 1 website, while Ultimate allows up to 10 websites to be added to your user account.
Each website has its own popularity. Free plan is suitable for not-yet popular websites which get up to 500 visitors per day, while Ultimate allows unlimited number of visitors per day.
Logdy stores detailed information about your visitors (like keywords, browsers, pages they visit) for a limited time. You need this information fresh, but the longer Logdy stores it, the better you know main trends. For Free accounts Logdy stores such information for last 7 days, for Ultimate Logdy stores it for 30 days.
But in all plans Logdy stores daily summaries (total numbers of visitors, pageloads, returning visitors etc) for unlimited time.
How do payments work?
When registering an account for one of non-FREE plans we won't ask you to enter your credit card number, you have FREE 30 days trial! At the end of this time we'll send a remider by email. If you like our service, you pay via After the first payment you'll be automatically charged each month until cancellation. You may cancel any time.
How are payments processed?
All payments are processed by Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for goods and services provided by This service is safe and secure, we won't know your credit card number.
Can I pay in my currency? supports a large number of currencies, so in most cases - YES!
Is it possible to upgrade/downgrade the selected plan?
Anytime you can upgrade/downgrade any plan. There are no upgrade/downgrade fees.
Any hidden fees?
There are no fees like upgrade/setup/cancellation etc. Only monthly payment fees specified above in the table. The first month in paid plans is FREE trial month. FREE plan and FREE trial month are ad-supported.
Will I get a free trial after upgrading my FREE account?
No. You get 30 days trial if you sign up for a paid plan.
More questions?
Contact us and we'll be happy to give you an answer to any other question.